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A member registered Aug 03, 2022

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(1 edit)

It's like a hearing simulator game, but you have a mental visualization of your position and orientation. You need a lot of focus, and most of the time, you need to bump into obstacles to brute force your way through because using the sensor takes twice as much time to navigate through obstacles, and there are no consequences to bumping into something. The one thing I disliked is the fact you cannot die, and it makes light of the feeling of being in a dire situation, lost in an underwater maze.

I enjoyed the turn-based combat system and some of the comedy/drama from Matthias. But I am still very confused why the Sesily/protagonist dash/rush into monsters??? for rewards like stats points or items? and it makes the area you explored so bloody like someone did a mass murder spree on the scene lol. I thought you fight the monsters, but it looks like you assassinate the monster on the spot.